Source code for txsocksx.client

# Copyright (c) Aaron Gallagher <>
# See COPYING for details.

"""SOCKS4/4a and SOCKS5 client endpoints.


import socket
import struct

from parsley import makeProtocol, stack
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces
from zope.interface import implementer

import txsocksx.constants as c, txsocksx.errors as e
from txsocksx import grammar

def socks_host(host):
    return chr(c.ATYP_DOMAINNAME) + chr(len(host)) + host

def validateSOCKS4aHost(host):
        host = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, host)
    except socket.error:
    if host[:3] == '\0\0\0' and host[3] != '\0':
        raise ValueError('SOCKS4a reserves addresses')

class _SOCKSClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
    currentCandidate = None
    canceled = False

    def _cancel(self, d):
        self.canceled = True

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        proto = self.protocol()
        proto.factory = self
        self.currentCandidate = proto
        return proto

    def proxyConnectionFailed(self, reason):
        if not self.canceled:

    # this method is not called if an endpoint deferred errbacks
    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):

    def proxyConnectionEstablished(self, proxyProtocol):
        proto = self.proxiedFactory.buildProtocol(
        if proto is None:

class _SOCKSReceiver(object):
    def proxyEstablished(self, other):
        self.otherProtocol = other

        # a bit rude, but a huge performance increase
        if hasattr(self.sender.transport, 'protocol'):
            self.sender.transport.protocol = other

    def dataReceived(self, data):

    def finishParsing(self, reason):
        if self.otherProtocol:

class SOCKS5Sender(object):
    def __init__(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport

    def sendAuthMethods(self, methods):
            struct.pack('!BB', c.VER_SOCKS5, len(methods)) + ''.join(methods))

    def sendLogin(self, username, password):
            + chr(len(username)) + username
            + chr(len(password)) + password)

    def sendRequest(self, command, host, port):
        data = struct.pack('!BBB', c.VER_SOCKS5, command, c.RSV)
        port = struct.pack('!H', port)
        self.transport.write(data + socks_host(host) + port)

class SOCKS5AuthDispatcher(object):
    def __init__(self, wrapped):
        self.w = wrapped

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.w, attr)

    def authSelected(self, method):
        if method not in self.w.factory.methods:
            raise e.MethodsNotAcceptedError('no method proprosed was accepted',
                                            self.w.factory.methods, method)
        authMethod = getattr(self.w, 'auth_' + self.w.authMethodMap[method])

class SOCKS5Receiver(_SOCKSReceiver):
    otherProtocol = None
    currentRule = 'SOCKS5ClientState_initial'

    def __init__(self, sender):
        self.sender = sender

    def prepareParsing(self, parser):
        self.factory = parser.factory

    authMethodMap = {
        c.AUTH_ANONYMOUS: 'anonymous',
        c.AUTH_LOGIN: 'login',

    def auth_anonymous(self):

    def auth_login(self, username, password):
        self.sender.sendLogin(username, password)
        self.currentRule = 'SOCKS5ClientState_readLoginResponse'

    def loginResponse(self, success):
        if not success:
            raise e.LoginAuthenticationFailed(
                'username/password combination was rejected')

    def _sendRequest(self):
            c.CMD_CONNECT,, self.factory.port)
        self.currentRule = 'SOCKS5ClientState_readResponse'

    def serverResponse(self, status, address, port):
        if status != c.SOCKS5_GRANTED:
            raise e.socks5ErrorMap.get(status)()

        self.currentRule = 'SOCKSState_readData'

SOCKS5Client = makeProtocol(
    stack(SOCKS5AuthDispatcher, SOCKS5Receiver),

class SOCKS5ClientFactory(_SOCKSClientFactory):
    protocol = SOCKS5Client

    authMethodMap = {
        'anonymous': c.AUTH_ANONYMOUS,
        'login': c.AUTH_LOGIN,

    def __init__(self, host, port, proxiedFactory, methods={'anonymous': ()}):
        if not methods:
            raise ValueError('no auth methods were specified') = host
        self.port = port
        self.proxiedFactory = proxiedFactory
        self.methods = dict(
            (self.authMethodMap[method], value)
            for method, value in methods.iteritems())
        self.deferred = defer.Deferred(self._cancel)

[docs]class SOCKS5ClientEndpoint(object): """An endpoint which does SOCKS5 negotiation. :param host: The hostname to connect to through the SOCKS5 server. This will not be resolved by ``txsocksx`` but will be sent without modification to the SOCKS5 server to be resolved remotely. :param port: The port to connect to through the SOCKS5 server. :param proxyEndpoint: The endpoint of the SOCKS5 server. This must provide `IStreamClientEndpoint`__. :param methods: The authentication methods to try. Authentication methods are specified as a dict mapping from method names to tuples. By default, the only method tried is anonymous authentication, so the default *methods* is ``{'anonymous': ()}``. The ``anonymous`` auth method must map to an empty tuple if provided. The other method available by default is ``login``. ``login`` must map to a tuple of ``(username, password)``. __ """ def __init__(self, host, port, proxyEndpoint, methods={'anonymous': ()}): if not methods: raise ValueError('no auth methods were specified') = host self.port = port self.proxyEndpoint = proxyEndpoint self.methods = methods
[docs] def connect(self, fac): """Connect over SOCKS5. The provided factory will have its ``buildProtocol`` method once a SOCKS5 connection has been successfully negotiated. Returns a ``Deferred`` which will fire with the resulting ``Protocol`` when negotiation finishes, or errback for a variety of reasons. For example: 1. If the ``Deferred`` returned by ``proxyEndpoint.connect`` errbacks (e.g. the connection to the SOCKS5 server was refused). 2. If the SOCKS5 server gave a non-success response. 3. If the SOCKS5 server did not reply with valid SOCKS5. 4. If the ``Deferred`` returned from ``connect`` was cancelled. The returned ``Deferred`` is cancelable during negotiation: the connection will immediately close and the ``Deferred`` will errback with a ``CancelledError``. The ``Deferred`` can be canceled before negotiation starts only if the ``Deferred`` returned by ``proxyEndpoint.connect`` is cancelable. If the factory's ``buildProtocol`` returns ``None``, the connection will immediately close. """ proxyFac = SOCKS5ClientFactory(, self.port, fac, self.methods) d = self.proxyEndpoint.connect(proxyFac) d.addCallback(lambda proto: proxyFac.deferred) return d
class SOCKS4Sender(object): def __init__(self, transport): self.transport = transport def sendRequest(self, host, port, user): data = struct.pack('!BBH', c.VER_SOCKS4, c.CMD_CONNECT, port) try: host = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, host) except socket.error: host, suffix = '\0\0\0\1', host + '\0' else: suffix = '' self.transport.write(data + host + user + '\0' + suffix) class SOCKS4Receiver(_SOCKSReceiver): otherProtocol = None currentRule = 'SOCKS4ClientState_initial' def __init__(self, sender): self.sender = sender def prepareParsing(self, parser): self.factory = parser.factory self.sender.sendRequest(, self.factory.port, self.factory.user) def serverResponse(self, status, host, port): if status != c.SOCKS4_GRANTED: raise e.socks4ErrorMap.get(status)() self.factory.proxyConnectionEstablished(self) self.currentRule = 'SOCKSState_readData' SOCKS4Client = makeProtocol( grammar.grammarSource, SOCKS4Sender, SOCKS4Receiver, grammar.bindings) class SOCKS4ClientFactory(_SOCKSClientFactory): protocol = SOCKS4Client def __init__(self, host, port, proxiedFactory, user=''): validateSOCKS4aHost(host) = host self.port = port self.user = user self.proxiedFactory = proxiedFactory self.deferred = defer.Deferred(self._cancel) @implementer(interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint)
[docs]class SOCKS4ClientEndpoint(object): """An endpoint which does SOCKS4 or SOCKS4a negotiation. :param host: The hostname or IP to connect to through the SOCKS4 server. If this is a valid IPv4 address, it will be sent to the server as a SOCKS4 request. Otherwise, *host* will be sent as a hostname in a SOCKS4a request. In the SOCKS4a case, the hostname will not be resolved by ``txsocksx`` but will be sent without modification to the SOCKS4 server to be resolved remotely. :param port: The port to connect to through the SOCKS4 server. :param proxyEndpoint: The endpoint of the SOCKS4 server. This must provide `IStreamClientEndpoint`__. :param user: The user ID to send to the SOCKS4 server. __ """ def __init__(self, host, port, proxyEndpoint, user=''): validateSOCKS4aHost(host) = host self.port = port self.proxyEndpoint = proxyEndpoint self.user = user
[docs] def connect(self, fac): """Connect over SOCKS4. The provided factory will have its ``buildProtocol`` method once a SOCKS4 connection has been successfully negotiated. Returns a ``Deferred`` which will fire with the resulting ``Protocol`` when negotiation finishes, or errback for a variety of reasons. For example: 1. If the ``Deferred`` returned by ``proxyEndpoint.connect`` errbacks (e.g. the connection to the SOCKS4 server was refused). 2. If the SOCKS4 server gave a non-success response. 3. If the SOCKS4 server did not reply with valid SOCKS4. 4. If the ``Deferred`` returned from ``connect`` was cancelled. The returned ``Deferred`` is cancelable during negotiation: the connection will immediately close and the ``Deferred`` will errback with a ``CancelledError``. The ``Deferred`` can be canceled before negotiation starts only if the ``Deferred`` returned by ``proxyEndpoint.connect`` is cancelable. If the factory's ``buildProtocol`` returns ``None``, the connection will immediately close. """ proxyFac = SOCKS4ClientFactory(, self.port, fac, self.user) d = self.proxyEndpoint.connect(proxyFac) d.addCallback(lambda proto: proxyFac.deferred) return d